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Learn how to tackle the hardest aspects of paying restaurant workers from taxes and tip reporting to labor law compliance.
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A five-star experience starts with 100% staffed

Get your next hire in concierge, housekeeping, events, food and beverage, guest relations, and more with a modern, text-based approach.

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Your customers notice when you’re understaffed

Success in the hospitality industry depends almost entirely on the level of customer experience you offer. When you’re understaffed, you make it harder for your team to meet expectations. To keep all your operations running smoothly and ensure your staff is available for your guests, you need an automated and customizable hiring solution that makes filling critical positions fast and easy.

Why Workstream

Hire hospitality professionals 70% faster

Workstream simplifies the hiring process by meeting applicants where they are—on their phones—and automating away tedious hiring tasks so leaders can find and engage qualified applicants faster.

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Text applicants throughout the hiring process

Two-way text and automation enable you to engage applicants in real time.

  • Attract applicants visiting your establishment with text-to-apply codes
  • Keep applicants engaged via text throughout the process
  • Text offer letters and new hire paperwork automatically
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Run your establishment on modern tech

Workstream integrates with your HR software so you can efficiently run your people operations from one platform. Connect to tools like:

  • Job boards
  • Background check providers
  • Employment verification institutions
  • Tax credit providers
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Save time with automation and customization

Workstream automates manual and repetitive hiring tasks so you can get time back in your day. You can also customize the applicant experience depending on which position you’re hiring for.

What Worktream has done is enabled us to take out the so-to-speak ‘busy work’ of hiring. It’s just a machine to keep people coming in and to keep the applicants and the flow of employees just pouring in. Workstream has reduced the hiring time process by 50%

Derrick Sousley
Vice President of Operations, Indiana Hospitality Group


Become a hiring and onboarding expert

daniel blaser and frank klein workstream

Sustainability - The right way to source employees and ingredients

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How to elevate customer experience during a recession

barista and cashier

Checking the box on hiring
and retention